Boy Scout Troop 386 Celebrates 50th Anniversary
Dec 11, 2015 12:00AM ● By Source: Boy Scout Troop 386
Troop 386, around for about half as long as the national Boy Scouts of America (BSA) organization (founded in 1910), is chartered by the Carmichael Elks Lodge #2103 and has about 35 boys ranging in age from 11 through 17. Photo courtesy Boy Scout Troop 386
Back when gasoline was 31 cents a gallon and a first-class stamp would set you back just a nickel, Boy Scout Troop 386 became part of the Carmichael community when it chartered on Dec. 1st, 1965. Strong and continuous since then, Troop 386 celebrates its 50th anniversary this month and invites former Scouts, former Scout Leaders, and the public to join in as they celebrate this golden milestone.
Troop 386, around for about half as long as the national Boy Scouts of America (BSA) organization (founded in 1910), is chartered by the Carmichael Elks Lodge #2103 and has about 35 boys ranging in age from 11 through 17. Weekly meetings and monthly overnight trips create a tight-knit group of boys who focus on community service, survival and camping skills, citizenship, first aid, physical fitness, leadership skills, self-reliance, and overall character building. The boys aim to rise to the rank of Eagle Scout—the highest rank attainable in Scouting—by earning merit badges through many of these activities and the completion of an Eagle Scout Service Project, a challenging hands-on project aimed at serving the community. Troop 386 awards the coveted Eagle Scout badge to a few Scouts each year.
Over the past half-century, Troop 386 has evolved to become a boy-led troop: the boys run the meetings and make decisions related to activities, trips, and volunteering in community events, such as food drives and U.S. flag retirement ceremonies. Troop 386 adult leaders give the boys guidance and advice, when needed, and provide transportation and support for weekend trips.
Some of those weekend trips change from year to year, but many stay the same and have become tradition within the troop. One tradition includes attending one of many regional summer camps, which draws several other Scout troops from within and around the local district. And from that tradition, a new tradition was born for Troop 386: the troop’s mascot named “It.” “It” came about in a wayward and unsuccessful cow tipping incident back in 1989.
As former Troop 386 Boy Scout Sean Oliver explains the story, “We were at a Camporee event, and the troop really enjoyed the backpacking and hiking adventure of camping. So we backpacked in about five miles to the camp, and while the rest of the gang was resting, a couple of us saw a cow standing in a pasture about fifty-feet away behind a cattle fence. We had heard about cow tipping before and thought that we’d give it a try. So the three of us scaled the fence and ran toward the cow. But the cow had other plans and started running toward us, chasing us back over the fence. We barely got away as the cow ran all the way up to the fence, nostrils flaring. Somehow in all of the frenzy, the cowbell fell off the cow’s neck, probably when he stuck his head through the fence, and later we went back and retrieved it.”
More than twenty-five years later, “It” is still part of the troop, joining the boys on all major camping trips. By providing plenty of noise, “It” has even led to Troop 386 winning the Spirit Award many times over at annual summer camp outings. And “It” is celebrated in the first line of the troop yell: “We pack It in, We pack It out...” This is a cheer now sung by Sean’s son, Sam, a second-generation Boy Scout in Troop 386.
If you’d like to join in on the spirit of Troop 386 and help celebrate their 50th anniversary, call or text Scoutmaster Kevin Murphy at (916) 342-2050. As refreshments will be served at the event, RSVPs are requested. The festivities will be held at the Elks Lodge #2103, 5631 Cypress Avenue in Carmichael, on Tuesday, Dec. 15th, starting at 7 p.m. All members of the community are invited, especially former Troop 386 members! Former Scouts and Scout Leaders are also invited to bring photos and any other memorabilia to share with friends and fellow Scouts. All participants are asked to bring a canned food item for donation to the Carmichael Food Closet to help those in need this holiday season.