Plant Fans Pack Cactus Festival
May 29, 2019 12:00AM ● By Story and photos by Susan Maxwell Skinner
Grower and artist Merlyn Lenear was among vendors at the two-day show. His customer was Fair Oaks succulent fan Barbi Brown.
CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - Despite weekend-long deluges, the recent Carmichael Cactus and Succulent Society’s 43rd annual festival drew record numbers.
“We had our best-ever show,” reported society member Gerri Wigglesworth. “Cacti are trendy at the moment but people are also more conscious of drought-tolerant plants for their gardens. In recent years, our society’s numbers have exploded. We now have about 150 members; more than we’ve had in 50 years.”
Rain storms scarcely deterred festival goers. “It was too wet for people to get out and garden,” considered Wigglesworth. “So they came to the show instead.” In a two-day crush, more than 800 visitors lined up to view succulent exhibits and to purchase thousands of potted specimens.
Festival proceeds support society activities; members also donate to plant-related programs at UC Davis. Annual membership dues are $10 per year or $15 per family. Anyone may attend Carmichael Cactus and Succulent Society meetings. These convene at 10 am on the first Friday of each month in Carmichael Park Clubhouse. For information, visit