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Carmichael Times

Stepping Out with Stephanie

Jan 17, 2020 12:00AM ● By Story and photo by Susan Maxwell Skinner

Carmichael Chamber of Commerce new executive Stephanie Young visits Seritella's Restaurant co-owner Bonnie Prophet at the restaurant's new Milagro Centre location.

New Chamber Executive on the Job

CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - The book-keeping is detailed, the meetings numerous and the responsibility huge. But Carmichael Chamber of Commerce executive director Stephanie Young is loving her new job. Recruited to replace former CEO Virginia Stone, Young moved into Chamber’s Milagro Centre headquarters at the beginning of the year. Stone will remain as a mentor while the appointee eases into the position.

“My focus right now is on meeting as many Chamber members as possible,” says Young. “We’re also gearing up for our Person of the Year fundraiser (March 20) followed by the Best of Carmichael event (May 29). I’m so grateful to have Virginia’s help with those. So far, our members have been warm and welcoming. I believe they’re excited to see what new ideas I’ll bring to Chamber life.”

Previously an administrative analyst with Carmichael Park District, Young is now a lone Chamber employee. “In my old job, there were lots of staff and a few volunteers to call on,” she says. “Now, it’s just me – and Virginia – and lots of volunteers. But the great thing about volunteers is that they help because they want to, not because they have to.”

There’s no shortage of company out of office, either. The executive job entails daily encounters with business people, agency chiefs, elected officials, community leaders and residents. Sit-down meetings also fill her time. Young sits on the Chamber board and most of its committees. She is a Carmichael Improvement District director; a SMUD Advisory Council volunteer; she also serves a newly-formed co-op of Carmichael organizations called the Community Relations Committee. “My Chamber job is more complex than it seems at first glance,” she explains. “As with any non-profit, the executive must stay on top of detailed accounting. There are months of member events to plan ahead for; even our regular luncheons involve days of preparation. Fortunately, I’m a planner by nature; that comes from so many years in the recreation field. When you organize parades with 10,000 people involved, you prepare for bumps in the road. Back-up plans are always critical.

“The best part of my new job is building relationships with people,” Young considers. “I want to help businesses have a great future in this area. And I want this community – that includes its 52,000 residents – to thrive. Our Chamber mission is to bring businesses and community together. That’s my vision, too.”

To speak with Stephanie Young at the Carmichael Chamber of Commerce, call (916) 481-1002.