As Kitten Season Begins Fosters & Donations Needed
Apr 08, 2021 12:00AM ● By Sacramento County News Press Release
Kitten season begins in late spring and continues throughout summer. Photo: what2ver/Pixabay
SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - Animal shelters around the country are gearing up for what is known as “kitten season,” when cats begin to give birth to countless kitten litters. Typically beginning in late spring and continuing throughout summer, kitten season stretches the already-thin resources animal shelters and rescues have when the influx of unwanted kittens and cats crowd shelter and kennel space.
The Bradshaw Shelter’s Foster Care Program"‹ helps save lives and space during this hectic season.
“Fostering animals provides a second chance at life for animals who are too young, sick or injured to be available for adoption,” said Dave Dickinson, Director, Sacramento County Bradshaw Animal Shelter. “Fosters provide a safe, loving, temporary place to live where the animals can thrive until they are ready to be adopted to their forever homes.”
Residents interested in becoming fosters should submit a foster application to [email protected]. The shelter provides all food, bedding, supplies, toys and more at no cost to the foster. Fostering is a great way to help alleviate the impact of kitten season at your local shelter and can provide temporary companionship for those still working from home.
However, working outside of the home doesn’t need to be an impediment to becoming a foster; most animals in foster care do not require constant monitoring. Typically, most animals who need fostering are kittens and puppies less than two months old.
As far as space for fostering, a bathroom, laundry room or spare bedroom is typically appropriate. The time commitment for fostering can be anywhere from one to six weeks, depending on their size at the time of fostering. Additional foster needs include caring for sick or injured animals, nursing mothers and litters, animals who need a break from the shelter, and more.
For more information about fostering, including fostering FAQs, visit the Sacramento County Bradshaw Animal Shelter website. To learn more about what to do if you find a kitten or litter of kittens, visit the feral cat information webpage.
Donations of essential kitten season supplies are also needed, including: Small litter pans; Heating pads; Small nursing bottles; Kitten formula and kitten food; Small pet carriers.
Donations are accepted at the Sacramento County Bradshaw Animal Shelter’s Animal Admissions Door at 3839 Bradshaw Road, Tuesday through Sunday, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. For a complete list of supplies needs, visit the shelter’s Amazon Wishlist or the donation website.