Humble Sky Lets Your Imagination Run Wild
Jul 07, 2021 12:00AM ● By Greenbaum Public Relations
Courtesy Photo
“This is a wonderfully thought-provoking, sobering tale that offers plenty of space for interpretation”
SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - If you have never looked skyward into the deep blue yonder and given a second thought to just how far outer space really goes, the new book Humble Sky cautions, you should make more of an effort to let your imagination run wild.
In the 72-page novella such inspired thinking produces astonishing, if virtually incomprehensible, results courtesy of the similarly uninhibited minds of the main characters: Henry Bakersfeld, an ingenious old man living with dementia, and Sherman, a curious young boy living in the Bronx. Together the intergenerational odd couple not only imagine but ultimately discover the essence of farthest outer space.
“The characters are beautifully rendered, and the story unfolds with great wit and pathos,” said Carla Gardini, executive producer of “The Hundred-Foot Journey” and numerous other films and TV shows with “coming of age” themes.
Through the back-and-forth of their life stories readers learn to appreciate the intersection of cosmology and philosophy, as well as that of curiosity, humility, and the range of ages of the uninhibited mind.
“This is a wonderfully thought-provoking, sobering tale that offers plenty of space for interpretation,” said James M. Berklan, executive editor of McKnight’s Long-term Care News, a leading national source of information on healthy aging. “I was engrossed with every shift of focus and subplot -- from authentic to surreal.”
Author Stuart Greenbaum is a veteran public relations professional who has directed numerous statewide and national initiatives to influence public behavior on social concerns involving health, education, environment, safety, and most recently longevity. He is the author or editor of multiple books, including Longevity Rules, Media Takes: On Aging, Before the Age Boom Goes, Educated Public Relations, and Set Straight on Bullies. Humble Sky is his first work of fiction. Additionally, he writes regularly for professional journals, newspapers, and his online culture blog, also titled Humble Sky ( He recently concluded his second term as a Governor’s appointee to the California Commission on Aging. Greenbaum, 67, lives in Sacramento, California.
Purchase Humble Sky for $10 at