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Carmichael Times

County to Hold Realignment Plan Community Workshop

Aug 25, 2021 12:00AM ● By Robyn Howland, Sacramento County Probation Department

September 1, 2021 from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - The Sacramento County Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council (JJCC) Subcommittee will host a Realignment Plan Community Workshop to present and encourage community participation and feedback in Sacramento County’s Realignment Plan. The Community Workshop will be conducted virtually via Zoom. 

The JJCC Subcommittee, chaired by the Chief Probation Officer, is comprised of representatives from the District Attorney’s Office, the Public Defender’s OfficeChild Protective ServicesBehavioral Health Services, Sacramento County Office of Education, and a representative from Superior Court. In April 2021, four community members were selected as members of the JJCC Subcommittee.

The JJCC Subcommittee is responsible for the development of Sacramento County’s Senate Bill 823 Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) Realignment Plan to be submitted to the new state Office of Youth and Community Restoration. The Realignment Plan addresses programs, re-entry, rehabilitation and support services for youth realigned from the State DIJ to the Valley Oak Youth Academy (VOYA) located within the Sacramento County Youth Detention Facility.

The VOYA provides a safe and secure environment for youth serving commitments at Sacramento County’s Youth Detention Facility. Through the utilization of community-based responses and intervention, opportunities are provided towards positive outcomes for youth and public safety, reduced transfer of youth to the adult criminal justice system, reduced racial and ethnic disparities, and reduced confinement in the juvenile justice system.

“Through the dedication and collaboration that exists between our culturally responsive probation staff, contracted employees, county partners and more than 100 volunteers from community based organizations, the youth within the Sacramento County Youth Detention Facility receive a wide range of programs,” said Marlon Yarber, Interim Chief Probation Officer. “We look forward to continued collaboration with the community to create new partnerships, while providing a high level of care and support services to the new realigned population.” 

For further information, including the Workshop Agenda and Sacramento County’s Draft Realignment Plan, please visit the JJCC website

View the Realignment Community Workshop Flyer.

When: September 1, 2021 from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm (Sign on begins at 5:25 pm)

 Register for Zoom Realignment Plan Community Workshop.