Dignity Health and USPI Celebrate New Surgery Center
Apr 27, 2022 12:00AM ● By Dignity Health Press Release
Citrus Heights Surgery Center Staff celebrate the expansion of health care access in the region with a Grand Opening. From left to right: Rachelle Manglicmot, Gloria Vivona, Avelina Donchenko, Renelle Estrada, Dawn Lacy, and Julia Lebedev. Photo: Dignity Health
CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) – The Citrus Heights Surgery Center, in affiliation with Dignity Health and United Surgical Partners International (USPI), hosted a grand opening event today to give community members, medical staff and media their first look at a new 16,000 square-foot ambulatory surgery center in Citrus Heights. Unanimously approved by the Citrus Heights Planning Commission, the $13 million project will provide patients in Citrus Heights with a range of outpatient specialty surgical services.
The new state-of-the-art Citrus Heights Surgery Center will be utilized for outpatient general surgery, otolaryngology, orthopedics, gastroenterology, pain management, podiatry and procedures. This is a joint venture between Dignity Health, USPI and local physicians. The facility will feature three operating room beds, three treatment bays and 11 recovery unit beds for patients undergoing same-day surgeries. The surgery center is expected to have approximately 70 physicians on its medical staff.
“Providing high quality, compassionate care is what Dignity Health is known for and where we provide that care continues to vary as technology and the needs of our community evolve,” said Michael Korpiel, President of Dignity Health Mercy San Juan Medical Center. “By partnering with USPI, the ability to increasingly provide care in an outpatient setting is made possible thanks to significant advances in surgical techniques, medical technology, and pain control which results in many benefits to patients including faster recovery times, significant cost savings and historically fewer complications.”
“We are pleased to see this important project come to fruition and honored to have the opportunity to serve the community here in Citrus Heights and beyond,” said Eric Boon, Market President, USPI. “We are deeply committed to enhancing access to top quality care together with Dignity and our physician partners.”
This facility will help meet the growing medical needs of the Citrus Heights community and improve access to quality care for residents in Citrus Heights and beyond. It represents an investment in the community that provides long-term employment opportunities and vital services.
“This state-of-the-art facility is providing needed medical services to residents of Citrus Heights and the Sacramento region and bringing high level jobs to our community,” said City of Citrus Height’s Mayor Porsche Middleton. “I look forward to having them serve our community with high quality medical care for many generations.”
County residents, workers, business owners and others are encouraged to go to www.citrusheightssurgerycenter.com/ for more information or to schedule an appointment.