Message from TRUSD Superintendent
Jan 26, 2023 12:00AM ● By By Steve Martinez, Ed.D. Superintendent, Twin Rivers Unified
Steve Martinez, Ed.D.
To Staff and the Twin Rivers School Community,
Winter break is behind us, but the winter storms continue. I want to take a moment to thank the many TR team members who worked tirelessly to help ready and attend to our schools during these storms. Our maintenance team is a remarkable group of hard-working dedicated individuals who, without fanfare and spotlight, work to keep our schools safe for students and staff.
While we did have some issues, mainly with power outages, I am glad that these issues are behind us, and I am grateful to the staff for keeping the schools open so that families had the choice to send their children to school or keep them home. Offering this option was most considerate of those families whose situation was best addressed by sending their children to school.
As we return to school from winter break, I share with our families the importance of sending their children to school every day, ready to engage and ready to learn. Drawing from my experience as a teacher, I can tell you that the period of time between winter and spring breaks is when teachers push through a lot of curricula with students. Because the classroom routines are fully familiar and the teachers and students have their established rapport, our teachers can optimize these learning conditions to work steadfastly with students on their learning.
It is a very exciting and productive time in the school instructional calendar. Let’s all work together to inspire and encourage our students to lean into their learning to explore their potential and attend all classes ready to listen, engage, ask questions, and learn.
Steve Martinez,
Ed.D. Superintendent, Twin Rivers Unified