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Carmichael Times

Sac County Health Center Earns Three Quality Awards

Dec 05, 2023 03:55PM ● By Sacramento County News Release

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - The Sacramento County Health Center is now proudly displaying three Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Community Health Quality Badges, exemplifying the strong dedication of our Primary Health Services team to providing exceptional healthcare for our community. These awards from HRSA recognize the County's commitment to delivering high-quality healthcare, prioritizing patient-centered services, and continuously striving for improvement. They serve as acknowledgement of the collective efforts and dedication of our entire team in ensuring that our patients receive the highest standard of care. Over the last year, we have made significant progress in enhancing accessibility, refining operations, and elevating the quality of our healthcare services, these awards are the results of the tirelessly hard work of the Primary Health Services team.

“I couldn’t be more proud of our team and their relentless dedication to providing exceptional healthcare services to our community,” says Tim Lutz, Health Services Director. “Receiving three HRSA Community Health Quality Badges is a testament to the hard work and commitment of every staff member, provider, partner, and volunteer. It is a recognition of the outstanding care they provide to our patients each day.”

The HRSA Community Health Quality Badges represent a significant milestone in the Health Center’s journey towards excellence in healthcare. It underscores Health Service’s ongoing commitment to improving healthcare outcomes, reducing health disparities, and serving the community with the highest standards of care. CHQR badges recognize Health Center Program awardees that have made notable achievements in the areas of access, quality, health equity, health information technology, social risk factors screening, and COVID-19 public health emergency response. For more information on CHQR badges, visit the CHQR Overview page and the CHQR FAQ page.

This achievement is a collective effort, a result of the steadfast work of every individual involved in the Health Center’s operations. The awards are not just a recognition but a reminder of the responsibility the Health Center holds towards the community. It is a call to continue the mission to provide top-notch healthcare services, promote community health, and ensure that everyone has access to the care they deserve.

The Sacramento County Health Center is a County operated Federally Qualified Health Center that provides primary care and behavioral health services to low-income residents of Sacramento County. Services provided at the health center include: adult primary care, family medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatric primary care , preventative health care, psychiatry and mental health counseling, specialty care, chronic disease management, communicable disease screening, on-site laboratory and radiology, and assistance with obtaining health care coverage.

With these three HRSA Community Health Quality Badges proudly displayed, the Sacramento County Health Center looks forward to a future of continued growth, improved services, and even greater achievements in providing exceptional healthcare to the community.