Carmichael Seniors Club to Host Valentine Potluck
Jan 30, 2024 04:11PM ● By Carmichael Seniors Club News Release
CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - This year, the Carmichael Seniors Club has elected a gentleman President.
According to their 54-year history, this club has never elected a gentleman before.
The gentleman is named Davis “Dave” Mitchell. He is an 88-year-old senior who has a varied background in many careers and has an interest in growing the club. He has many creative ideas including:
-an increase in male interest; attending sporting and theatre events and speakers
-increase attendance of our monthly dine out locations
-one day field trips by shuttle or carpool to tour local businesses.
On February 8th, Carmichael Seniors Club will be hosting a "Valentine Membership Potluck" and invites interested parties over the age of 50 years and in good mental and physical health. There will be a $5 charge for the afternoon event. The location is the clubhouse at Carmichael Park and Recreation at 5750 Grant Ave; Carmichael. Time: 10 am to approximately 2 pm. If interested in membership, the annual dues are $20. Bring a few dollars to play bingo at the end of the session. For information, call Valerie Hobin at 916-487-5525.