Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Mar 12, 2024 10:28AM ● By Susan Maxwell Skinner, photos by Susan Maxwell Skinner
CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - Batter-up was the cry as more than 260 boys and girls cleated up at La Sierra Community Center fields last weekend.
Sporting uniforms of 21 teams, the kids raised banners, paraded, and recited the Little League pledge:
“I trust in God. I love my country and will respect its laws.
"I will play fair and strive to win. But win or lose, I will always do my best.”

The Blue Jays rejoice in Carmichael Little League’s opening day at La Sierra Community Center baseball field.
The athletes then cheered youngsters who tossed ceremonial first pitches.

A ceremonial first pitch by Christopher Castello, age 5, of the San Francisco Giants gets approval from coach Jonathan Highfill.
The meet marked the 72nd spring season for Carmichael Little League players, whose predecessors rallied at Carmichael Park during the baby-booming 1950s.
“We love to keep the annual tradition,” explained event organizer Valerie Harper (whose son made his baseball debut with the Carmichael Blue Jays). “It brings players and community together. Families love to see their children in team colors with all the other kids. Having fun with rivals promotes good sportsmanship.”
Opening ceremonies began with a parade of teams, whose members range from preschoolers to teens. Music and hot dogs then occupied kids and families. Official games began later in the day.
Carmichael Little League’s 2024 season continues with games until May 18. Anyone may watch the athletes at La Sierra Center sports fields (5325 Engle Road) on Saturdays. For information, visit: www.carmichaellittleleague.com.