Sacramento Superior Court Announces Poster Contest
Apr 01, 2024 03:43PM ● By Sacramento Superior Court News Release
SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - Sacramento Superior Court invites 6th - 12th-grade students to enter its 2nd annual Jury Appreciation Week Poster Contest.
This unique opportunity encourages young artists to create original, hand-crafted posters that visually express the importance of jury service and the role jurors play in access to justice.
“We look forward to seeing what young artists submit and how they illustrate their perspectives of Jury Service,” Jury Commissioner Ginger Durham said. “This contest not only encourages artistic expression but also an understanding and appreciation for the role of jurors in our justice system.”
Contest Details:
-Open to all 6th - 12th-grade students in Sacramento County.
-Artwork should be original, hand-created posters. All art styles and images with text will be accepted.
-Posters should measure 11" x 17".
-Artwork must make a clear visual statement about jury duty and/or jurors serving.
-All entries must be submitted by April 19, 2024, to the Gordon D. Schaber Courthouse, 720 9th Street, Room 203, Sacramento, CA 95814.
Judging will take place during Jury Appreciation Week, recognized the second week in May each year. Posters will be judged on execution of theme, creativity, and overall impression. The winner will be awarded a pizza party for their class with judicial officers and/or the jury commissioner.