Bunny Hops in for Breakfast
Apr 02, 2024 09:09AM ● By Susan Maxwell Skinner, photos by Susan Maxwell Skinner
CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - Sausage and pancakes flew hot off the griddle last weekend as the Easter Bunny reigned in spring splendor. Replacing the annual egg hunt, post-pandemic, Carmichael Recreation and Park District’s ‘Breakfast with the Bunny’ event has proved a thumping success.
No one this weekend seemed to miss the tumbles, trauma and tears of hunts of yore. More than 300 adults and children enjoyed a stress-free meal at Carmichael Park Clubhouse. Kiwanis Club volunteers cooked; Girl and Boy Scouts kept pace with table cleanups. As maple syrup flowed, kids, parents and grandparents flowed into Carmichael Park Clubhouse in orderly shifts.
Precocious in pastels, the rockstar rabbit made several grand entrances and held court in a grotto festooned with balloon-art carrots. A $5 event admission included photo opportunities, craft bags and the calorific breakfast.
Laughter ruled. The event has proven so popular that sittings filled before Easter Saturday dawned. Walk-ins were also accommodated. Nearly a thousand pancakes were served; gallons of coffee and orange juice were chugged. By noon, an exhausted Bunny hopped off down the bunny trail. That’s all, folks.
Event proceeds will benefit Kiwanis Family House, a Sacramento facility that provides accommodation for families of UC Davis Children’s Hospital patients.
Breakfast sponsors included Kiwanis Club of Carmichael, Buck Family Automotive, Carmichael Parks Foundation and Carmichael Recreation and Park District’. Learn about the district’s programs at www.carmichaelpark.com.

Seven-month-old Carmichael tot River Asmelash enjoys her first date with the Easter Bunny. Mom is Viva Asmelash. The visitors were among 300 supporters of Carmichael Park District’s ‘Breakfast with the Bunny’ event.