New Business Stretches Muscle
May 21, 2024 02:25PM ● By Susan Maxwell Skinner, photo by Susan Maxwell Skinner
Stretch Lab manager Jet Cara snips a ribbon to open StretchLab in Carmichael. The owner is Taelor Patnor, center. In the photo, Cara and Patnor are joined by staff and Carmichael Chamber of Commerce supporters.
CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - It's no stretch to see how Carmichael's latest fitness center hopes to tone a maturing community.
Recently opening at the Bel Air Shopping Center, StretchLab is the second local facility for the wellness franchise. Its methodology is geared to improve flexibility through supervised contracting and relaxing of muscles.
“The process can help everybody,” said manager Jet Cara. “Especially baby boomers. As we grow older, some functional things get harder. Tying shoelaces, pulling on pants or bending down can be chores. With a flexibility coach, longevity of movement can be extended.”
The fitness center employs eight trained flexologists.
“We love being in Carmichael,” Cara said. ‘It’s a well-established area where we find we can really connect with our clients.”
StretchLab is at 4005 Manzanita Ave., Suite 48, and its phone number is 916-258-3300. Learn more about StretchLab at