Park District Farewells Joyce Carroll
May 23, 2024 11:21AM ● By Susan Skinner, photo by Susan Skinner
Carmichael Park District buddies Joel Levine, left, and Mike Blondino bid farewell to community leader Joyce Carroll.
CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - For community leader Joyce Carroll, retirement from Carmichael Recreation and Park District's Advisory Board coincides with a move out of state.
She and husband, Jim Carroll, will soon move to Bullard, East Texas.
“It’s long been a dream for us,” said the retiree. “We love Texas and Jim has family there. At the same time, we’ll miss Carmichael terribly."
Carroll's career-long dedication was to youth. She joined forces with several agencies in establishing and running the North Area Teen Center in the 1990s. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger then personally appointed her to the Juvenile Parole Board as commissioner. Carroll retired from state service as a representative for the Board of State and Community Corrections.
Three decades of local volunteerism have boosted the Carmichael Chamber of Commerce, Barrett Hills Neighborhood Association and Carmichael Park District (she last week ended more than eight years on its Advisory Board). For the mom and grand mom, civic effort has been well-honored. Carroll has been Fifth Assembly District Woman of the Year; Chamber of Commerce Businessperson of the Year and Kiwanis Citizen of the Year.
“Riding in Carmichael Elk’s July 4 parade was another huge honor,” she recalled. “Carmichael has great traditions. I’ve loved being part of them.”
Seeing Measure G passed by ballot last year (authorizing $30 million in bonds for Carmichael Recreation and Park District parks) was a proud moment.
“Funds that became available will enhance our district’s parks forever,” she said. “Parks are part of our lives. I’m so grateful the community vote supported that.”
Carmichael Recreation and Park District colleagues honored Carroll with a handsome Southwest Airlines voucher.
“So I can come back and visit,” Carroll said. “Carmichael’s a part of who I am. I love driving around and seeing things I've had a part in developing.
“In the early days, many community pillars took me under their wing,” Carroll said. “They helped me grow into the person I am. I hope I’ve done them proud.