Celebrating the Red, White and Blue
Jun 26, 2024 09:15AM ● By Susan Maxwell Skinner, photos by Susan Maxwell SkinnerSons of American Revolution members (pictured with former Assemblyman Ken Cooley) are traditional parade leaders.
CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - Carmichael will parade patriotism on June 29 and July 4.
Carmichael and Mission Oaks Park Districts fanfare the nation’s 251st birthday this Saturday with a $20,000-plus fireworks show at La Sierra Community Center. The festivities will be accompanied by a live concert featuring the rock band Hipper than Hip, setting the stage for the "Red, White, and Blue" celebration. The music kicks off at 6:30 p.m.
Ten food trucks will offer sustenance and a beer garden will benefit Carmichael Parks Foundation. A free kid’s zone will feature bounce houses and art activities hosted by Sacramento Fine Arts Center. Fireworks thunder at 9:30 p.m. No dogs or private fireworks are permitted. La Sierra Center is located at 5325 Engle Road.
Carmichael’s Baning family gets in the patriotic spirit during last year’s Red White and Blue fireworks night at La Sierra Center.
On July 4, Carmichael’s popular Independence Day parade will cover two miles of hot tar between Marconi and Cypress avenues. The local Elks Lodge has orchestrated this tradition since 1959.
Carmichael “karate king” Dave Kovar is the 2024 grand marshal. According to Elks member Jim Warrick, the VIP personifies the pageant’s “Celebrating American Spirit” theme.
“Dave has worked for many years to shape a positive spirit in our community,” Warrick said. “His dedication to young people makes him a great American.”
An international name in martial arts, Kovar has supported his hometown pageant for almost 40 years.
“When we moved our school to Carmichael in 1986, my studio members and I walked (kicking and chanting) in our first parade,” Kovar said. “I remember waving to the crowds and seeing many important people. It’s a huge honor to be grand marshal.”
“I’ve participated in many civic events over the years but this parade is still my favorite. It really bonds our community,” Kovar added.
Transported by a red 1966 Mustang, Grand Marshal Kovar will begin at 10:30 a.m. A Sons of the American Revolution color guard and flag-bearers from Del Campo High ROTC will march in advance.
Hundreds of participants, including Boy Scouts, belly dancers, classic cars, floats, bicycles, politicians and clowns; will follow the whoop of fire trucks.
Five car clubs are contributing vehicles.
Little League teams, church members and businesspeople will wave from floats.
El Camino High School musicians will orchestrate the long march with stirring anthems.
Fair Oaks Boulevard closes from 10 a.m. to noon for the cavalcade. Thousands of spectators are anticipated to applaud from sidewalks while big crowds accumulate in shade near the Carmichael Park corner. At the park clubhouse (5750 Grant Ave.), Carmichael Kiwanis will fortify merriment with a $5 pancake breakfast.
All roads lead to Carmichael Elks Lodge. Here, dancing, barbecue lunches and swimming will continue until the sun sets on the Glorious Fourth. Everyone can attend these celebrations at 5631 Cypress Ave.
Red, White and Blue fireworks celebration sponsors include Carmichael and Mission Oaks park districts. Gateway Community Charters Virtual Academy hosts the kids’ zone.
Parade supporters include Kovar’s Karate, El Rancho School, the Carmichael Times, Carmichael Chamber of Commerce, Blain Stumpf Fencing, Carmichael Improvement District, Carmichael Elks, Bonney Plumbing, Buck Family Automotive, All Stages Canine Development, the Ron Greenwood family, Carmichael Kiwanis, Nick Bloise and St John the Evangelist Catholic School.
In keeping with decades-old parade tradition, the Shriners organization will field Keystone Kops, clowns and Go-Karts.