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Carmichael Times

Santa Kicks Off Season of Giving with Charitable Vending Machines

Dec 03, 2024 04:26PM ● By Gary Zavoral

Santa J. Claus cuts the ceremonial ribbon of the Light the World Giving Machines with representatives of the charities, who have items for those in need in the charitable vending machines. Photo courtesy of Gary Zavoral

GREATER SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - With a twinkle in his eye, Santa Claus cut the ceremonial red ribbon at the Light the World Giving Machines on Monday and then showed the world the joy of giving by selecting a few gifts for those in need in the Greater Sacramento Area.

This wasn’t just any Santa. It was the global icon Santa J. Claus, who is a mega-influencer with 5-million followers around the world. He stopped by the Giving Machines in the Westfield Galleria at Roseville to kick off the season of giving and encourage all to give to the less fortunate.

“My mission is to light the world with giving and that’s the same mission these charitable vending machines have,” Santa said. “You, too, can play Santa for someone who really needs it by purchasing gifts in the Light the World Giving Machines.”

Imam Yasir Khan, chaplain for the California State Assembly and CEO and founder of Al-Misbaah, a Sacramento-region charity organization that has five gifts in the Giving Machines, speaks at the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Light the World Giving Machines. Photo courtesy of Gary Zavoral

Santa’s visit highlighted a ribbon-cutting ceremony that also featured remarks from William Jessup University President John Jackson representing the interfaith community, mayors from cities throughout the region, and the local charities that will benefit from the Giving Machine purchases.

This is the third year that the Giving Machines are located in the Sacramento area, where they have been some of the most successful in the world. Area residents can make purchases now through New Year’s Day.

Light the World Giving Machines, sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are part of a global effort to promote the true spirit of the holidays by giving gifts to those in need. This holiday season, the Light the World Giving Machines are located in 106 cities internationally.

In addition to the Westfield Galleria at Roseville, the machines are located in Modesto’s Vintage Faire Mall. Together, they are the only ones this year in Northern California.

“These vending machines offer a unique and memorable way to light the world with love by serving and caring for others both locally and globally,” said Bruce Anderson, director of the local effort. “For many parents, it offers an effective way to teach children about giving to good causes and the joy there is by helping others.”

Each of the machines in Roseville contain 30 opportunities to give: 25 opportunities from local charities and five opportunities from global nonprofit organizations.

Santa J. Claus shows children how to Light the World by making purchases at the Giving Machines in the Westfield Galleria at Roseville. Photo courtesy of Gary Zavoral

Among the many items that can be purchased are a winter coat for a homeless person in the region, a suicide prevention therapy session for a local youth and newborn essentials for a local young mother in need. Shoppers can even purchase two piglets for a family in an economically challenged country to help them start a business and become self-reliant.

The global Giving Machines initiative first launched in a few U.S. locations in 2017. Since then, more than $32- million worth of goods for those in need has been donated. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints covers all program operational expenses. This ensures that participating nonprofits receive 100% of the collected funds.

The local charities with items in the Westfield Galleria at Roseville Giving Machines are Al-Misbaah, Catholic Charities – Diocese of Sacramento, Rancho Cordova Food Locker, First Step Communities of Sacramento and Lighthouse Counseling & Family Resource Center in Placer County.

Helena Madera-Silmi with Al-Misbaah said many families want to give to local charities that make a difference in the lives of those who are under-privileged but they don’t know how to do it. The Giving Machines, she said, give them this opportunity while at the same time teaching children the importance of charity.

“A lot of youth love shopping at the mall and you’re teaching them how to be empathetic, you’re teaching them how to give back,” Madera-Silmi said. “It’s just an amazing way to give back.”

Carrie Johnson, executive director of the Rancho Cordova Food Locker, is impressed with the Giving Machines concept and hopes they will help to stock the charity’s pantries.

“This is the most incredible way to give people the opportunity to give back to their communities,” Johnson said. “We’re all familiar with vending machines. What a fun way to give a donation to someone in need.”

Santa helps a family choose the right gift. Photo courtesy of Gary Zavoral

Among the items that shoppers can purchase for Lighthouse Counseling and Family Resource Center of Placer County are gifts of counseling for those experiencing abuse, domestic violence and suicidal thoughts.

“The Giving Machines give an opportunity to take the greed out of Christmas and bring Christ back into the holiday,” said Gary McDonald, Lighthouse’s executive director. “It really is about service and giving to people in need. It’s really touched my heart. It really gives people an opportunity to think about other people besides their own families during this holiday season.”

To see the items that can be purchased and more information on the Giving Machines, visit the local Light the World Giving Machines website at