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Carmichael Times

Chamber Again Picks a Rose

Jan 14, 2025 10:26AM ● By Susan Maxwell Skinner, photos by Susan Maxwell Skinner

Rosie Buck (front) will serve a second year as Carmichael Chamber of Commerce President. Buck and chamber board members recently welcomed state Sen. Roger Niello (front row third from right) to speak at a members’ luncheon.

CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - Businesswoman and community volunteer Rosie Buck will captain the Carmichael Chamber of Commerce for a second year. Her previous term leading the 77-year-old organization began in 2024.

Beyond Chamber of Commerce presidency, the 36-year-old sits on the Carmichael Improvement District Board. She organizes public events in her role as a Carmichael Parks Foundation director. She is a Kiwanis and Elks Lodge member. Buck also joins her husband, Jeff, in providing curriculum feedback and internships for San Juan School District’s advisory board.

“In my first term as chamber president, I aimed to be thoroughly acquainted with the organization,” Buck said. “In my second year, I’ll focus on its growth.”

After rocky post-COVID spells, the Chamber of Commerce ended 2024 solidly in the black. This success was greatly enabled by its Best of Carmichael gala that dished out trophies to top local merchants.

“It was wonderful doing something so grand scale for Carmichael businesses,” reported gala organizer Buck. “The winners really appreciated their awards. Everybody’s supporters were dressed up and cheering. Everybody had fun.”

Other 2024 successes included the Chamber of Commerce’s Spring Community Awards Dinner that toasted exemplary citizens and hailed SMUD leader Heidi Sanborn “Person of the Year.”  A Barktober canine festival had Carmichael Park yapping. A contest fielding five candidates for the office of honorary mayor recently ended with neurosurgeon Dr. Kawanaa Carter claiming the mayoral sash. In the process, Carter and the fellow wannabes raised almost $30,000 to split with the chamber and charities.

“Not everything we do is about businesses,” Buck explained. “Part of the chamber’s mission is to support community interests. We gave $3,500 to co-sponsor the Carmichael Park concert season; we donated $1,300 toward raising a new flagpole at Carmichael Veteran’s Hall.”

Formerly Rosie Terrazas, Buck grew up in Santa Cruz and honed management skills in Girl Scouts.

“My mom claims I was running the troop by the time I was nine,” laughed Buck.

Business as usual. Chamber of Commerce President Rosie Buck fronts Buck Family Automotive in Carmichael. Her husband, Jeff Buck (background), gets his hands dirty.

She graduated from the University of Nevada with a degree in sociology. After working as a medical technician for an ambulance company, the five-foot dynamo volunteered for firefighting duties and later turned her photographic flair into a profession.

Small-business champions, Buck and husband, Jeff, founded Buck Family Automotive on Fair Oaks Boulevard. From the front desk, super-mom Buck runs the shop and steers her nonprofits. She also ferries 7-year-old son Archer between home, school, sports events and his current passion, the Sacramento Railroad Museum.

There are barely enough hours in the day.

“Fortunately, I’m very organized and I have family support,” Buck said. “My mom is a great mentor; my father is a real business booster; my mother-in-law babysits. Besides keeping me calm, my husband is a fabulous dad.”

“There’s a saying that if you want a chore done, ask a busy woman to do it. I’m a very busy woman. But I understand the vital impact our chamber has. I’ll always find time to give back to Carmichael,” returning chamber President Buck said.

For information on the Carmichael Chamber of Commerce, go online to